Friday, November 4, 2011

The Fair

The Louisiana State Fair is in town this week, and I GOT TO GO!!! I must explain that I had never gone to the fair before--it was always something that I wanted to do, but wasn't allowed to because "the fair is too dangerous." I'm not sure how much of my mom saying that was because she actually believed that the fair was dangerous or because she didn't want to have to chase me and my sisters around so many people. No matter. Either way, the fair was always something that I wanted to experience, and I FINALLY GOT TO EXPERIENCE IT!!! A friend picked me up and drove me to the fair, where he gave me a ticket he had bought for me earlier that day. We bought ride tickets and I got to ride FAIR RIDES for the first time. I also got to purchase my first caramel apple, which is always something I associated with "the time" I might someday have at the fair. My friend and I also rode the ferris wheel. I could not stop smiling the entire time we were there. Call me silly and easily entertained or excitable, but I will happily embrace those descriptions--I am not ashamed. The fair was exactly what I always thought it would be--absolutely wonderful.


  1. I'm glad you had a good time. Fairs can be
    wonderful places to enjoy. I've been to the Oklahoma and the Texas State Fairs numerous times, but I have yet to attend the fair here in Louisiana. My husband and I have decided to go this coming week. My husband is off a few days, so we will try to go during the day when everyone is at work and school. I don't know if it's my older years, but I just can't handle crowds the way I used to.

    I can understand your mom's concern for safety. I don't think I took my daughter to fairs until she was older, maybe elementary or junior high. It's great that you finally got a chance to experience the fair.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. That is so exciting Chelsea. I have been off and on over the years. I think its great that you were able to experience it with your friend.

    I prefer going early in the day to avoid the huge crowds of people. I'm not much of a large crowd person anymore. Also, I have that afraid of heights issue. HAHAh I am just so happy you enjoyed your visit.

  3. I have grown to love the fair and rides. As a child I hated rides because I have a very "weak stomach". I would not be scared I would just be miserable when I got off the rides. It really used to bum me out that everyone else was able to enjoy them. Then i discovered Dramamine. My beloved motion sickness medicine! I now ride the rides and go to fairs no problem!

  4. Arn't first the best?!?!!! I love the feeling of getting to do something I have always wanted to for the first time!!! I'm glad you got to go & just have a good time!

  5. I've been to the fair, but I, too, suffer from motion sickness. I can't ride anything that goes in circles or up and down. For me, the food is not a good reason to spend all that money.

    But I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
